Sliced truffle in oil
€18,50 -
Truffle chocolates
€6,50 -
Truffle gatherer’s sauce
Da €7,50 -
Truffle patè
Da €18,25 -
🏆 The all-time Best-Seller 🏆
Cream with Parmigiano Reggiano and Truffle
🌿 also available in organic version!
🌿 also available in organic version!
Truffle-flavoured black gold
€32,50 -
Truffle-flavoured mustard
€12,90 -
Truffle-flavoured salami
€32,90 -
White sauce with truffle
€11,15 -
Il Tagliolino coi Fiocchi
€80,00 -
Stuzzichini Tartufati
€49,00 -
I Love Truffle
€90,00 -
Le Bio al Tartufo
€30,00 -
Picnic al Tartufo
€230,00 -
Chicken Liver Pâté
€7,90 -
Il Forziere